IWU: Live (24.09.22)
Stealth vs Terry isit vs j’den scarr - IWU Heavyweight Championship tournament qualifier match
Stealth DEF Terry Isit via Pinfall (J’Den Scarr’s Curb Stomp)
Nero Classic calls out danny west
Nero Classic after forming the Classic Family Virus and recruiting its newest member James Cross, called out Danny West stating that he should be the IWU General Manager and not West. This lead to a back and forth battle of words between Classic and West which ended in both James Cross and Eden being laid out by Danny West.
Eden vs Erika May
Eden DEF Erika May via Pinfall (Spear)
Ritmo vs Steve Pym
Ritmo DEF Steve Pym via Disqualification
the it couple (Riley ‘Thee’ NBF and Tyler adams vs 2sassy (sassy bear clarence and jpr)
Tyler Adams DEF Sassy Bear Clarence via Pinfall (Haus Call)
Paul Malen’s Gauntlet open challenge
Paul Malen DEF James Cross via Pinfall (Lifting Flatliner)
Paul Malen DEF Tommy Wills via Submission (Camel Clutch)
Nathan Archer DEF Paul Malen via Pinfall (Rudi’s Kick of Doom)
Contract Signing for iwu: conquest - Paul malen vs The Blackheart Rudi - no dq
A contract signing between The Blackheart Rudi and Paul Malen took place in order to make their match at IWU: Conquest official. After a back and forth of insults things quickly turned physical before the pair had to be split up by IWU Officials.