IWU: Evolution

10 man tag - Team Andy Poole vs Team Stealth

Stealth DEF A Star Andy Poole via Pinfall (The ASAP)

Stealth vs A star Andy poole

Stealth DEF A Star Andy Poole via Pinfall (Silent Treatment)

Nero Classic after forming the Classic Family Virus and recruiting its newest member James Cross, called out Danny West stating that he should be the IWU General Manager and not West. This lead to a back and forth battle of words between Classic and West which ended in both James Cross and Eden being laid out by Danny West.

Morgan Black vs Terry isit

Morgan Black DEF Terry Isit via Pinfall (School Boy Pin)

Connor Allbright vs Neo Malone

Connor Allbright DEF Neo Malen via Pinfall (One-Handed Spinebuster)

Sam Steel vs Sassy Bear Clarence

Sassy Bear Clarence DEF Sam Steel via Pinfall (Sassy Stampede)


IWU: Conquest (Show of the Year 2022)


IWU: Live (24.09.22)