IWU: The Next Chapter

Riley ‘thee’ nbf w/ Steve Pym vs ritmo - IWU: Next Gen Championship match

Riley ‘Thee’ NBF DEF Ritmo via Pinfall (Curb Stomp)

Nathan Archer & Erika May vs Declan Ace & Eden

Erika May DEF Declan Ace via Pinfall (School Boy Pin)

‘The Blackheart’ Rudi calls out paul malen

After being attacked by Paul Malen at Homecoming Rudi is fired up and says that he wants revenge on Paul Malen. He was then interrupted by IWU Trainee, Kidd Kendricks. Who received a Kick of Doom for his troubles.

Terry Isit vs Morgan Black vs Connor Allbright

Terry Isit DEF Connor Allbright via Pinfall (Buzzsaw Kick)

Robbie X vs Stealth (iwu: MAtch of the year 2022)

Stealth DEF Robbie X via Pinfall (Low Blow)

steve Pym w/ riley ‘thee’ nbf vs neo malone

Steve Pym DEF Neo Malone vs Pinfall (Samoan Drop)

‘Just’ Joe Lando vs Sam Steel

Joe Lando DEF Sam Steel via Pinfall (Shooting Star Press)


IWU: Live (24.09.22)


IWU: Homecoming